歡迎 閣下使用Codekey Cookies Limited,www.codekeycookies.com網站(下稱「本網站」)。請仔細閱讀本網站的使用條款(下稱「使用條款」)。鑒於閣下對本網站的使用意味著閣下已接受以下條款,故如閣下不想接受下列條款的約束,請勿使用本網站。
Codekey Cookies Limited保留權利可隨時更新及更改本網站內容,並有權單方面修改使用條款而不另作通知。閣下應定期瀏覽本網站,以瞭解對閣下具有約束力的使用條款是否有所修改。在此,「閣下」和「使用者」乃指以任何理由或目的進入本網站之所有個別人士及/或實體。
1.1 網站
本網站提供公司簡介、最新消息、網上訂購服務及聯絡Codekey Cookies Limited的方法。
1.1.1 「網上訂購服務」系統要求
閣下必須透過任何連接到互聯網的電腦、流動電話或平板電腦使用Codekey Cookies Limited網上訂購系統進行訂購。Codekey Cookies Limited建議閣下使用下列之瀏覽器,達致最佳瀏覽效果:
– Internet Explorer 11 / Chrome 31 / Firefox 27 / Safari 7或以上
– 建議解像度:1024 x 768
– 必須啟動Javascript及Cookies
(i) 複製並將複製本加以分發;
(ii) 以任何方式散佈、公佈、傳播、修訂、展示、銷售其內容或產品;
(iii) 試圖複製、重建、修改、修飾、進行逆向工程、分拆、反編碼、傳輸、交換或翻譯;或
(iv) 從其中創造衍生性作品或對之加以利用。
閣下謹此同意就閣下對本網站或之任何材料的任何可能未經授權的使用向Codekey Cookies Limited作出彌償,爲Codekey Cookies Limited進行抗辯並使Codekey Cookies Limited不受其之影響。閣下謹此承認對本網站內容未經授權的使用可能給Codekey Cookies Limited造成難以彌補的損害,故若發生未經授權的使用,Codekey Cookies Limited有權在可能獲得的任何普通法下或衡平法下的其他救濟之外申請禁制令。
3. 個人資料收集聲明
當閣下使用本網站,閣下可能須向Codekey Cookies Limited提供閣下的個人資料(「資料」),包括但不限於閣下的姓名、性別、年齡群組、聯絡資料和電子郵件地址。閣下同意此等資料是閣下自願向Codekey Cookies Limited提供的。
若閣下提供的資料不齊全或不正確,Codekey Cookies Limited將無法向閣下提供或繼續提供有關服務,或可能不容許或終止閣下進入本網站。閣下須向Codekey Cookies Limited保證所提供的資料為準確、屬實、有效和完整的。否則,Codekey Cookies Limited有權在閣下不獲知會的情況下拒絕閣下於現時或將來使用本網站及其提供之服務。有關個人資料收集,詳情請參閱Codekey Cookies Limited的私隱政策及聲明。
4. 網上訂購功能
5. 促銷活動
Codekey Cookies Limited 將不時在本網站或進行促銷活動,就一切有關事宜,點字曲奇將保留最終之決定權。
6 未成年人士
如閣下未滿十八歲,或在現行法律下被視為未成年,或無能力締結合同,或不能承擔法律責任,而使用本網站將引起任何法律義務或責任時,閣下不可提供使用條款所述之個人資料及不允許使用本網站。如果閣下希望瀏覽和進入本網站,有關使用條款之含義及其引致之後果,閣下必須徵求父母或監護人的意見。Codekey Cookies Limited假設本網站的所有使用者都已達法定年齡。Codekey Cookies Limited沒有義務核實閣下的年齡,但如果發現本網站的任何使用者未達法定年齡,Codekey Cookies Limited保留向此等使用者或其父母或監護人採取行動的權利,包括取消閣下會員登記的權利及終止閣下進入本網站。
7. 材料的使用
本網站的內容,如文字、圖形、圖像、音樂、標識、圖標按鈕、鏈路、HTML編碼、商標、軟件和其他材料,以及本網站所有材料的匯集(指收集、安排和匯編)(以下統稱「材料」)均受版權法、商標法和其他適用法律的保護。所有材料和材料的匯集均屬Codekey Cookies Limited的網站內容供應商或客戶的專有財産。未經授權擅自使用任何材料將違反著作權法、商標法和其他適用法律。未經Codekey Cookies Limited事先書面同意,閣下不得為任何公共或商業目的銷售或更改材料,或者複製、重製、再版、上載、下載、登載、傳送、顯示、公開執行或以任何方式發送材料,或將材料存儲於檢索系統,或以其他任何方式使用材料。
8. 網站及應用程式的合法用途
閣下不得以任何方式竄改任何材料或商品,也不得以任何方式干擾本網站的運營,包括但不限於傳輸軟件病毒,或者傳輸專門用來中斷、干擾或改變本網站運營的任何計算機代碼或消息。閣下亦不得利用網站或其他方式收集本網站其他使用者的資料。在沒有Codekey Cookies Limited明確的許可下,本網站或其任何部分均不得翻版、複製、翻印、售賣、轉售或以其他方式利用本網站作商業用途。
9. 免責條款
本網站的材料可能不正確或存有排印上的錯誤。Codekey Cookies Limited不承認任何默示性和非明示性的保證、並且不保證本網站或素材的正確性、可靠性、完整性或及時性。Codekey Cookies Limited對其他網站的內容以及本網站上登載的或與本網站連接的任何事物,包括但不限於任何謬見、錯誤、遺漏、侵權、毀謗、謊言、或者其他可能是犯法或會引起權利主張或投訴的材料或遺漏不承擔任何責任。使用本網站和連結網站的材料的後果由閣下自負。該等網站可能隨時或定期會有變動,請不時查閱有關的材料。
Codekey Cookies Limited不保證以下事項:本網站目前或今後任何時候毫無錯誤,本網站及其服務器目前或今後任何時候沒有計算機病毒或其他有害機能,任何缺陷會被糾正,或者本網站的運作是及時、安全和不會中斷的。如果由於閣下使用該等網站材料,導致需要修理或更換設備或數據,Codekey Cookies Limited不負責任何由此而産生的費用。
凡由於使用或無法使用本網站或材料,或任何執行失敗、錯誤、遺漏、中斷、刪除、缺陷、操作或傳送的延誤、計算機病毒、通信線路失靈、線上通信的攔截、軟件或硬體問題(包括但不限於丟失數據或相容性問題)、偷竊、網站的破壞或改變所引起的,無論是因使用本網站或向本網站上載或從本網站下載或出版數據、文字、圖像或其他材料或資料而直接或間接造成的違約、侵權行為、疏忽或任何其他因素所引起的任何種類損害或傷害(包括但不限於意外損害、間接損害、利潤的損失、或者因失去數據或業務被中斷所造成的損害),且無論Codekey Cookies Limited是否已被告知此種損害的可能性,Codekey Cookies Limited或在本網站上提及的任何第三方在法律允許的範圍內不應承擔任何責任。
10. 賠償
如因閣下涉及違反使用條款的行為或不合法行為而引起任何的一切索賠、程式、損害賠償、傷害、債務、損失、費用和開支(包括合理的律師費用和開支),閣下同意向Codekey Cookies Limited及其子公司、相關公司、關聯公司、高級職員、代理商、共同品牌所有人或其他合夥人及僱員作出補償,為其辯護並使其免受損害。
11. 協議闡釋
12. 未棄權
若Codekey Cookies Limited不行使或延遲行使本協議下的權利或權力,在任何情況下無損亦不表示Codekey Cookies Limited放棄其任何權利或權力。
13. 轉讓
Codekey Cookies Limited有權轉讓本協議下Codekey Cookies Limited的權利和義務。閣下無權轉讓本協議下閣下的權利和義務。
14. 可分割性
15. 適用法律
本使用條款根據中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)法律解釋,且受香港法律管轄。閣下同意將Codekey Cookies Limited與閣下之任何糾紛、爭議或索償交由香港法庭審理。
16. 聯絡方法
閣下如希望就本網站或本程式或本使用條款的事宜聯絡Codekey Cookies Limited,請將閣下的要求以電郵方式寄送到下列地址:
電郵地址: info@codekeycookies.com
©Codekey Cookies Limited 2017年7月1日
Terms of Use
Welcome to use www.codekeycookies.com (“this Website”) of Codekey Cookies Limited. Please read the following Terms of Use of this Website (“these Terms of Use”) carefully. Your use of this Website mean(s) that you have accepted these Terms of Use. If you are unwilling to be bound by these Terms of Use, please do not use this Website.
After you have completed the form of this Website and press the button “confirm”, it indicates that you have read and understood Terms and Conditions of Online Ordering and agreed to be bound by them.
Codekey Cookies Limited reserves the right to change or modify the contents of this Website at any time and has the right to unilaterally change these Terms of Use without notification. You should regularly visit this Website to find out whether these Terms of Use that are binding on you have been revised, as your continued use of this Website indicates your acceptance of any change to these Terms of Use. “You”, “your”, and “users” refer to any person and/or entity that accesses this Website for any reason.
1. Description of services
1.1 Website
This Website provides information about us, news, Member’s Area, online takeaway ordering service, menu, store location, job opportunities and how to contact us.
1.1.1 System Requirements of online takeaway ordering service
In order to use this service, you are required to access the online ordering website through any internet connected devices including desktop computers, mobile phones or tablets. Codekey Cookies Limited recommends the following browsers for the best experience:
– Internet Explorer 11/ Chrome 31 / Firefox 27 / Safari 7 or above
– Recommended screen resolution: 1024×768
– Javascript and Cookies turned on
2. Conditions of Use
All the information contained within this Website is for reference, interaction and purchase only. It is for individual use only and should not be used for commercial purposes. For this Website, you will not, nor allow third parties on your behalf to:
(i) make and distribute copies;
(ii) in any way, disseminate, announce, spread, revise, display or sell any of the contents of or the products described;
(iii) attempt to copy, reproduce, alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange or translate; or
(iv) create derivative works of any kind whatsoever.
You agree to indemnify Codekey Cookies Limited against any of your unauthorised use of any material from this Website, defend Codekey Cookies Limited and hold Codekey Cookies Limited harmless. You agree that your unauthorized use of the contents of this Website may result in irredeemable losses to Codekey Cookies Limited and in the event of your unauthorised use, Codekey Cookies Limited has the right to apply for a restraining order in addition to any other remedies under common law or equity.
3. Personal Information Collection Statement
When you use this Website, you may have to provide to Codekey Cookies Limited your information (including but not limited to your name, gender, age range, contact details and email address) (“Data”). You agree to provide to Codekey Cookies Limited such information voluntarily.
If the information you provided is incomplete or incorrect, Codekey Cookies Limited will be unable to register you or provide or continue to provide related services, or may not allow you to enter or may discontinue your use of this Website. You assure Codekey Cookies Limited that the information you provide Codekey Cookies Limited is correct, truthful, valid and complete. Otherwise, Codekey Cookies Limited has the right, without notice, to cancel your registrations and qualifications and/or refuse to allow you to use this Website and/ or this Application or its services at the present time or in the future. For details of Personal Information Collection Statement, please refer to Codekey Cookies Limited’s Privacy Policy Statement.
4. Online takeaway ordering service
The online takeaway ordering service is opened to all Guests in Hong Kong. Users are held fully responsible for all the actions taken while using this service.
5. Promotional activities
Codekey Cookies Limited will periodically carry out promotional activities on this Website. Codekey Cookies Limited will be the final arbitrator of all sales and promotional activity related rewards, and you shall not dispute such decision.
6. Underage persons
If you are under 18 or considered as underage by law or do not have the ability to make a contract or are unable to bear any legal responsibility, and when using this Website give(s) rise to legal obligations or responsibilities, you should not provide any personal information described in these Terms of Use and will not be allowed to use this Website. If you want to enter and browse this Website, you must seek the approval of your parent or guardian regarding the legal implications of these Terms of Use and the consequences that entail. Codekey Cookies Limited assumes that all users of this Website are of legal age. Codekey Cookies Limited is not obliged to check your age but if it is found that any user is underage, Codekey Cookies Limited reserves the right to take action against such user or his/her parents/guardian including cancelling your membership registration or refusing your access to this Website.
7. Use of materials
The contents of this Website, including text, diagrams, images, music, symbols, graphic button, links, HTML code, trade mark, software and other materials and all the materials of this Website (including the collection, arrangement and compilation of such materials) (“Materials”) are protected by copyright law, trade mark law and other applicable laws. All Materials are the exclusive property of Codekey Cookies Limited or website contents provider of Codekey Cookies Limited or its clients. Unauthorised use of any Materials is an infringing act under the copyright law, the trade mark law or other applicable laws. Without any prior written permission from Codekey Cookies Limited, you shall not, for any public or commercial purpose, sell or modify the Materials, copy, reproduce, re-issue, upload, download, publish, transmit, display, publicly implement, issue the Materials in any way, store the Materials in the retrieval system or use it in any other way.
8. Legal use of Website and Application
You can only use this Website for legal purposes and cannot use this Website to, in any way, infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person or invade the privacy of other users or acquire their identities or any other personal details, or damage any part of this Website, the Materials and/or products provided in this Website. You have the responsibility to judge whether any of your actions will infringe the rights as described above.
You shall not, in any way, change any Materials or product provided in this Website and shall not interfere with the operation of this Website in any way, including but not limited to, transmitting software viruses or transmitting any computer code or message designed to shut down, interfere with or change the operation of this Website. You shall also not use this Website or other method to collect the details of other users. Without express permission from Codekey Cookies Limited, this Website or any part thereof shall not be reproduced, copied, printed, sold, transferred or used for any commercial purposes.
9. Limitation of liability
There may be incorrect material or typesetting errors in this Website. Codekey Cookies Limited does not give any implied or non-expressed guarantee and does not guarantee the correctness, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any material of this Website. Codekey Cookies Limited does not accept any liability for the contents of other websites or anything uploaded on this Website or linked to this Website, including but not limited to any fallacies, errors, omissions, infringements, libel, lies or any other material or omission that is likely to be illegal or gives rise to a claim or complaint. You will be responsible for any consequences resulting from use of this Website or its links. These websites are likely to change at any time or change periodically, so please check related materials regularly.
Codekey Cookies Limited does not guarantee the following: this Website will be totally free of errors now and in the future, this Website and its server will always be free of computer viruses or other harmful function, that any shortcoming will be corrected or that this Website is timely, safe and will not be discontinued. If your use of these website material results in the need to repair or renew equipment or data, Codekey Cookies Limited accepts no liability for any resulting expenses. For any damage or injury, regardless of direct or indirect breach of contract, infringement, negligence or any factor (including but not limited to, accidental damage, indirect damage, loss of profit, or damage resulting from the loss of data or business termination), arising from use or inability to use the materials of these websites, or implementation failure, error, omission, discontinuation, deletion, shortcoming, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication cable malfunction, interception of on-line communication, soft or hard ware problem (including but not only loss of data or compatibility problems), theft or resulting from damage or changes to the websites whether or not a result of the use of this Website or uploading or downloading of this Website’s data, text, images or other materials or data, and regardless of whether Codekey Cookies Limited has been notified of the likelihood of such damage, Codekey Cookies Limited and any third party mentioned on this Website shall not, within the legally allowed scope, bear any liability.
10. Compensation
In the event of any compensation claim, program, damage compensation, injury, debt, loss, costs and expenditure (including reasonable legal costs and expenditure) arising from the user’s infringement of these Terms of Use or illegal behaviour, the user agrees to compensate Codekey Cookies Limited and its affiliates, related companies, associated companies, senior employees, agents, joint brand owners or other partners and employees, defend them and prevent them from loss.
11. Interpretation of Agreement
Clause headings and examples are provided for reference purposes only to assist in understanding these Terms of Use. They are not intended to define, or limit the scope or extent of any clause.
12. No waiver
Codekey Cookies Limited’s failure or delay in exercising any right or power under this Agreement shall not in any circumstances impair any right or power nor operate as a waiver of it.
13. Assignment
Codekey Cookies Limited may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement. You may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement.
14. Severability
If any single provision or number of provisions in these Terms of Use, or any one or number of provision of these provisions and conditions when cited, in any situation, is in any respect, for any reason, judged to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the effectiveness, legality and enforceability of the provision or condition in any other respect, and the effectiveness, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these provisions and conditions, will not be affected in any respect.
15. Applicable law
These Terms of Use shall be interpreted according to the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and be governed by Hong Kong laws. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts for any disagreement, dispute or claim between Codekey Cookies Limited and you.
16. Contact
If you wish to contact Codekey Cookies Limited for matters regarding this Website or this Application or these Terms of Use, please send your written request to the following email:
Email: info@codekeycookies.com.
©Codekey Cookies Limited 1 July 2017
Codekey Cookies Limited非常重視閣下的私隱權。本私隱政策及聲明(下稱「本私隱聲明」)說明Codekey Cookies Limited如何收集和使用個人資料。
請仔細閱讀本私隱聲明。當閣下登入或使用本網站:shop.codekeycookes.com或其Facebook專頁(以下統稱「本網站」),即表明閣下已接受本私隱聲明之條款。如閣下不想接受下列條款的約束,請勿使用本網站。如閣下透過本網站填妥任何表格及按下「遞交」鈕,即表明閣下已詳細閱讀及瞭解本私隱聲明,並同意本私隱聲明中所敍述的資料收集和使用方法。Codekey Cookies Limited保留權利可隨時更新及更改本網站內容,並可單方面修改本私隱聲明而不另作通知。閣下應定期透過本網站查看本私隱聲明是否有所修改,因爲閣下對本網站的持續使用即表明閣下接受本私隱聲明的任何變更。如果本私隱聲明有任何的修改可能會對我們使用或者披露閣下的資料(包括閣下的個人資料)(下稱「資料」)的方式產生極大影響,我們會在取得閣下同意後才將閣下資料作有關用途。在此,「閣下」和「用戶」乃指以任何理由或目的進入本網站之所有個別人士。
1. 資料收集的聲明及目的
當閣下使用本網頁,可能須向Codekey Cookies Limited提供閣下的資料,包括但不限於姓名、性別、年齡群組、聯絡資料和電子郵件地址。閣下同意此等資料是閣下自願向Codekey Cookies Limited提供的。閣下同意及明白向Codekey Cookies Limited提供的任何及所有的資料將被收集起來,並可用作下列用途:
(a) 作身份核證及紀錄;
(b) 當閣下使用本網站、互聯網及其它有關渠道處理閣下的資料時,顯示閣下的資料;
(c) 邀請閣下參與意見調查;
(d) 將閣下的資料進行分析及與其他人的資料作比較,藉以制定Codekey Cookies Limited産品或服務及市場推廣計劃;
(e) 就Codekey Cookies Limited、其關聯公司及進行聯合推廣業務的合作夥伴的食品、飲料及餐飲服務推廣優惠與閣下進行溝通及發送有關資訊;
(f) 保存通訊聯絡資料以聯系閣下優化Codekey Cookies Limited之服務;
(g) 匯制有關本網站的總量統計;
(h) 處理閣下的訂單及服務要求;
(i) 辦理收取款項、處理任何付款指示及直接扣繳費用;
(j) 進行內部監控,包括計算閣下應收或拖欠的款項,向閣下支付或收取有關款項,以及收取任何費用或強制履行用戶授予或獲授予之擔保責任;
(k) 方便日常操作閣下之戶口;及
(l) 執行閣下的指示、回應該閣下或以該閣下名義提出的查詢,並向閣下提供有效而快捷的服務。
2. 個人資料(私隱)的適用法律
Codekey Cookies Limited對於收集、使用、保存、披露、移轉、保護及存取個人資料的政策和做法,均符合香港有關法律,包括個人資料(私隱)條例 。
3. 保留、儲存及披露個人資料
閣下知道、同意及授權我們把閣下所提供的資料保留及儲存在Codekey Cookies Limited在香港或香港以外的地方的一個或多個數據庫內,並將此等資料提供、披露、供存取及傳送予:
(a) Codekey Cookies Limited及其關聯公司授權為上述收集資料目的而處理有關資料之僱員;
(b) Codekey Cookies Limited為上述收集資料目的或與其有關的目的而聘用向美心西餅提供行政、電訊、電腦、付賬、保險、專業服務或其他服務之合約承包商或代理商;
(c) 按適用法律、行政制度或規例要求,Codekey Cookies Limited必須向其作出披露之任何人士;或
(d) 任何合理地要求Codekey Cookies Limited作出披露之人士,以便Codekey Cookies Limited能執行本私隱聲明中列明之目的。
閣下同意,Codekey Cookies Limited為達到以下目的而在合理、必要的情況下可披露閣下的個人資料:
(i) 遵守有關法律;
(ii) 執行或實施就使用本網站或Codekey Cookies Limited提供的服務的任何用戶協議的條款;
(iii) 保障Codekey Cookies Limited、其關聯公司、僱員、代理、顧客和用戶的權利、財産或利益;或
(iv) 遵守本私隱政策聲明。
Codekey Cookies Limited特此聲明從未亦不會銷售閣下的資料。Codekey Cookies Limited亦不會向上述以外的任何第三者提供、披露、供存取及傳送閣下的資料。
Codekey Cookies Limited會保留閣下透過本網站提供的個人資料。若閣下提供資料的目的終止,閣下的個人資料只會保留不多於1年的時間並隨之被删除。
4. 個人資料的安全
Codekey Cookies Limited會運用各種安全技術和程序來保障閣下的個人資料,避免未經授權的存取、使用或披露。鑒於互聯網的性質,Codekey Cookies Limited不能保證數據傳輸是百分之百的可靠。但是Codekey Cookies Limited將採取所有實際可行的措施,確保由Codekey Cookies Limited經本網站收集到的任何資料不受第三方的干擾。但閣下必須清楚知道Codekey Cookies Limited的廣告商或在本網站上設有鏈路的其他網站可能在收集閣下的個人資料。閣下必須仔細閱讀有關的私隱政策才向第三方提供閣下的資料。閣下向第三方提供的資料均與Codekey Cookies Limited無關,而Codekey Cookies Limited亦不承擔任何責任。但如Codekey Cookies Limited一旦從第三方收到有關資料,將按照一貫的嚴格安全和保密準則保存資料。
5. 查閱、更正或刪除個人資料或退出接收Codekey Cookies Limited資訊
閣下知道根據個人資料(私隱)條例,有權查閱Codekey Cookies Limited持有閣下的個人資料,有權要求更正或刪除閣下的資料。如需查閱、更正或刪除閣下的個人資料,請電郵至 info@codekeycookies.com以通知Codekey Cookies Limited資料保護主任。 (請註明閣下之姓名及聯絡資料,以便跟進)。
若閣下將來不欲接收直接促銷資訊,可隨時電郵至 info@codekeycookies.com以通知Codekey Cookies Limited資料保護主任 (請註明閣下之姓名及聯絡資料,以便跟進) 。一旦選擇退出接收直接促銷資訊,閣下將不會收到有關Codekey Cookies Limited優惠通知。
6. 資訊包及第三方應用程式
Codekey Cookies Limited有權在本網站上使用資訊包(”cookies”)。資訊包是網路服務器基於用戶瀏覽器軟體所設置的許可而貯存在用戶電腦中的簡短文字文件。資訊包本身並未被設計用於或意圖用於從用戶的電腦上讀取任何資訊(資訊包本身的內容除外);相反,它是放置在閣下的硬碟上的網站所使用的一種識別物。資訊包資訊的實際內容可由該同一台伺服器進行檢索,以識別該台電腦並隨後根據宿主伺服器所存貯的資訊使一網站的使用適合使用者的要求並對此等使用進行監控或管理。故此,資訊包僅向網站表明用戶電腦的身份,而網站可能將其他資訊,包括個人識別資訊與資訊包相聯繫。本網站使用資訊包的目的,是爲了使登錄及資料登記功能自動化,以便閣下使用本網站時與網上訂購資訊建立聯繫、讓本網站適合於閣下的偏好或喜好、或對促銷或營銷進行個性化定制。此外,資訊包的使用可能使Codekey Cookies Limited能對本網站的使用進行追蹤,以判斷哪些內容是否有用或受歡迎,從而使Codekey Cookies Limited能有效地完善及改進本網站。閣下可以對閣下的網路瀏覽器進行調整,以就資訊包的使用向閣下發出警告或是完全拒絕接受資訊包。但請注意,若閣下選擇不接受”資訊包”,則本網站可能無法正常運作或不允許閣下登錄。
7. 網站圖示的使用
Codekey Cookies Limited可在本網站或其他網站上使用網站圖示,並允許第三方將圖示放置於本網站上以監測廣告的效果或用於其他合法目的。網站圖示,亦稱爲”網路爬蟲”,是網頁上、網站文件或電子郵件中一種用於讓網站所有人或第三方監控誰在訪問一個網站的小型圖像。用戶一般無法看到網路圖示,因其尺寸通常很小(1╳1個像素)且具有與網頁、文件或電子郵件之背景相同的顔色。網路圖示在網頁中被標明爲HTML IMG,用戶可點擊網頁上的”查看文檔”選項以查看該網頁是否在使用網路圖示。網站圖示亦可與個人資訊相聯繫。例如:廣告網路使用網站圖示以在個人資料中添加某人所訪問的網站的資訊並在此等資料的基礎上決定添加何種廣告條。網站圖示的另一種用途是提供一種對多少人訪問過某一具體網站的獨立的計數。
8. 指向第三方網站的連結
請留意,Codekey Cookies Limited提供指向第三方網站的連結,以作爲向用戶提供的服務的確認聲明,但美心西餅不對此等網頁的內容或資訊獲取的做法負責。Codekey Cookies Limited建議閣下在向任何第三方網站提供資訊前仔細閱讀並瞭解其處理私隱做法。
9. 兒童
本網站沒計劃或意圖獲取年齡在18歲以下的未成年人士的個人資料。爲尊重未成年人士的私隱權,年齡在18歲以下的未成年人士不應在本網站或本應用程式提供任何個人資料。Codekey Cookies Limited要求兒童在上網或使用本應用程式時應由父母進行監督。
©Codekey Cookies Limited
Privacy Policy
1st July, 2017
Codekey Cookies Limited recognizes the importance of your privacy. This privacy policy statement (“this Privacy Statement”) explains how personal data is collected and used by Codekey Cookies Limited.
Please read this Privacy Statement carefully. By accessing or utilizing services on this Website: shop.codekeycookies.com or its Facebook fans page (collectively, “this Website”) means that you have accepted the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you are unwilling to be bound by the following terms, please do not use this Website. If you complete any form via this Website, after you have completed the form and pressed the button “submit”, it indicates that you have read and understood this Privacy Statement and agreed to how personal data are collected and used as provided in this Privacy Statement. Codekey Cookies Limited reserves the right to change or modify the contents of this Website at any time and unilaterally change this Privacy Statement without notification. You should regularly check whether this Privacy Statement has been modified via this Website, as your continued use of this Website indicates your acceptance of any change to this Privacy Statement. However, if the modification might materially affect the way we use or disclose your information (including your personal data) (“Data”), we will ask for your consent prior to any modified use. “You” and “user” refer to any person that accesses this Website for any reason.
1. Collection of Data and its purposes
When you use this Website, you may have to provide to Codekey Cookies Limited your Data including but not limited to your name, gender, age range, contact details, and email address. You agree to provide to Codekey Cookies Limited such information voluntarily. You agree and understand that any and all of the Data you provided to Codekey Cookies Limited will be collected and used as follows:
(a) for verification of identity and record;
(b) for displaying on the relevant portal when you use this Website, the Internet and other channels in managing your Data;
(c) for inviting you to participate in surveys;
(d) for analysis and for comparison with others’ Data in order to develop Codekey Cookies Limited products or services and market promotion Programs;
(e) for sending and communicating with you offers and promotions in relation to food and beverage and catering services provided by Codekey Cookies Limited, its affiliated companies and business partners in joint promotions;
(f) for storing communication contacting details to keep communication with you in order to optimize the services of Codekey Cookies’s Caterers Limited;
(g) for generating survey on user traffic on this Website;
(h) for processing of your orders and service requests;
(i) for collecting payment, processing of any payment instructions and direct debit fees;
(j) for internal monitoring, including calculating any amount you should receive or owe, making payment to or requesting payment from you, and collecting any fees or enforcing guarantee granted to or granted by the user;
(k) for facilitating the daily operation of your account; and
(l) for implementing your instruction, responding to your enquiries or those made in your name, and providing efficient and responsive service.
2. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
Codekey Cookies Limited complies with Hong Kong laws including Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in its policy and the ways it collects, uses, stores, discloses, transfers, protects and accesses Data.
3. Retention, storage and disclosure of Data
You acknowledge, agree and authorize us to retain and store the Data you provided in one or more databases of Codekey Cookies Limited within or outside Hong Kong, and to provide, disclose, allow access and transfer such Data to:
(a) any employee of Codekey Cookies Limited and its affiliated companies who are authorized to handle such Data for the purposes for which such Data are collected;
(b) any contractor or agent which provides administrative, telecommunication, computer, payment, insurance, professional or other services to Codekey Cookies Limited and is engaged by Codekey Cookies Limited for the purposes for which such Data are collected or relevant to the purposes for which such Data are collected;
(c) anyone that Codekey Cookies Limited has to make disclosure to in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, administrative policies or regulations;
(d) anyone who reasonably requires Codekey Cookies Limited to make disclosure in order that Codekey Cookies Limited can implement the purposes listed in this Privacy Statement.
You agree that Codekey Cookies Limited can disclose your Data in the following reasonable and necessary circumstances:
(i) in compliance with relevant laws;
(ii) to execute or implement any terms of use relating to your use of this Website or the services provided by Codekey Cookies Limited;
(iii) to protect the rights, properties or interests of Codekey Cookies Limited, its affiliated companies, employees, agents , customers and users ; or
(iv) in compliance with this Privacy Statement.
Codekey Cookies Limited specifically states herein that it has not and will not sell your Data. Codekey Cookies Limited also will not provide, disclose, allow access and transfer your Data to any third party other than the above.
Codekey Cookies Limited shall retain your Data after you have provided your Data via this Website. Your Data will be retained for not more than one year after the purpose for which you provided your Data, and thereafter erased.
4. Security of Data
Codekey Cookies Limited will use various security technologies and procedures to protect your Data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Because of the nature of Internet, Codekey Cookies Limited cannot guarantee the security on any transfer of Data. However, Codekey Cookies Limited will take all practical and feasible measures to ensure any Data collected by this Website will not be intercepted by any third party. You must be clear that Codekey Cookies Limited’ advertisers or any website with links to this Website may collect your Data. You must read the relevant privacy statement carefully before you provide your Data to them. Your provision of your Data to any third party has nothing to do with Codekey Cookies Limited and Codekey Cookies Limited will not have any responsibility for such. If Codekey Cookies Limited receives relevant Data from a third party, it will retain the information in the usual strict secured and confidential standards.
5. Access, amendment or deletion to Data or opt-out of receiving Codekey Cookies Limited communications
You are aware that according to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access your personal data held by Codekey Cookies Limited and request amendment or deletion to your personal data. If you wish to access, amend or delete your personal data held by Codekey Cookies Limited, please send your request to Codekey Cookies Limited’ Data Privacy Officer via email at: info@codekeycookies.com. Please specify the subject matter “Maxim’s Cakes Customer Voice Program” in all the communications, and provide your name and contact information for follow up purpose.
If you do not wish to receive any direct marketing communications in the future, you can at any time send us your request with your name to Codekey Cookies Limited’ Data Privacy Officer via email at: info@codekeycookies.com. Please note that if you opt out of receiving direct marketing communications, you will not receive the news in relation to our discount offer, promotion or membership program.
6. Cookies and third-party applications
Codekey Cookies Limited may use cookies on this Website. Cookies is a small text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies is not designed to use for or intended to use for accessing any information (except for the information on the cookies) of the user’s computer. On the contrary, it is an identifier placed on your hard disk. Cookies contain information that can later be searched by the same Web page server to identify a particular computer and cater for the use of the user and allow monitor and management of such use according to the information stored by that server. Therefore, cookies only provide to the website the information on the user’s computer and the website can link up such information of the cookies with other information such as personal identifier information. The purpose for this Website to use cookies is to allow automation on signing in and registration of information so that you are linked to the information for online purchase when you make purchase (if any) on this Website, to adjust this Website to your preferences or to personalize promotion or marketing. In addition, use of cookies or third-party applications may allow Codekey Cookies Limited to track the use of this Website to determine what content is useful or popular so that Codekey Cookies Limited can effectively develop and improve this Website. You can modify your web browser on the use of cookies so that it will send you warning or you can decline acceptance of cookies. Please note this Website may not function normally or permit your signing in if you choose to decline acceptance of cookies.
7. Use of Web Beacons
Codekey Cookies Limited may use Web beacons on this Website or other websites and allow third party to place Web beacons on this Website to monitor the effectiveness of promotion or other legal purposes. Web beacons are also called web crawler. It is an object that is embedded in a web page or email which allows checking by website owner or a third party on whether a user has viewed the page or email. It is usually invisible to the user as its size is generally very small (1×1 gif) and has the same colour as the web page, document or email. Web beacons are identified as HTML IMG on web pages. Users can click on the information option on the web page to find out whether Web beacons are used on the web page. Web beacons can link to personal information. For example, advertising network uses web beacons to add on personal information the web pages a person visited and based on such information to add a particular kind of advertising bars. Web beacons can also be used to independently track the number of people visiting the web site.
8. Links to third parties’ websites
Please note that Codekey Cookies Limited provides links to third parties’ websites as a service to users. Codekey Cookies Limited is not responsible for the contents on such web pages or how information is collected. Codekey Cookies Limited recommends you to read and understand the privacy measures of any such third parties’ website before you submit any information to them.
9. Children
This Website does not plan or intend to collect Data from underage below 18. To respect the privacy of underage, underage below 18 should not provide any Data on this Website. Codekey Cookies Limited asks that parents monitor their children when they surf on the web.
©Codekey Cookies Limited